Tuesday, February 25, 2025

How I'd build a flying car

 It would be solar vectored to clean solar power from low peak flow battery tri motor nutating air engine conducting the solar panels like an aptera with Xpeng body 8 propellers maxmized by a lambo sodium ion battery and ionization built by teslas wheel motor for flight. Auto land features. with raised automatic peg U wheel attachment with raised ionized motor wheels that can detact to go in the air with robotic charging features with nest connection worked through a phone app. Lighting system like aptera with collisson protection feature that detect around a ship. Now with microsonic systems for self powered ability. MIT noise reducing propellers and a zipline attachment.

Type of robot abilities


 We want a robot that lists thing on amazon and ebay by just looking at it and can recognize when to do that and where. I don't want it selling my house or car unless I want it to do that.

Sourcing agent that;s an appraiser and value investor buyer

One that buys goods for the business

Confounding agent you know how to confound if needed, confounding the wise from business abuse


location scout

Securing agent


AI stock market trading

There are thing it does while walks.

There things it does while it thinks.

There are things it does while it talks.

Thing can be done multilocation through cameras, honest tea business models or remote screen setup kiosk setup.

People can make sites out of there car and sell at all school when they let out and make a flea market depending how big it is with traffic to people who have money.


Makes Product online in online stores that manufacter good.

Recharges and maintains itself

salemen robot

logistic robot

account manager

Friday, February 7, 2025

I can make it happen, when it is done right.

 Start a retail business through your car and other people's products. I hate to say it but you can get credit and your vehicle and sell products from the back of the car. This method is an interesting method to get started then get a storage unit and sell from a storage unit,your house,then lease an office or piece property in a good location. You can sell online on various sites.

Work the way of the Lord.

 I don't draw things very often. But these things will make the Lord squeal, he loves my comics like crazy ihe hasn't launched them yet to everyone. He is just building and building and building. Victory will come when the Lord works.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Restaurants improvements

Here are a few improvements restaurants can add to their menu to improve restaurant profitability. 1 a sauce list. Restaurants can make bottles of sauce to take home. Suggestive sales of comic books, toys, print on demand, souvenirs on an accessories part of the menu. Restaurant themed shoes and shirts,skirts and cups for sale may increase sales.