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Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Pet therapy
I saw this neat idea. People get like thirty pets in a room and allow to share an mini petting zoo, with the pets. They can split this into sessions. People with a lot of animals can treat it as a start up. Allergies may cause problems. But you could essentially start a zoo that way. You can also turn pet adoption places into animal therapy and adoption centers. Charging for the therapy and getting adoption rates to go up.
Sunday, October 27, 2024
Judge rules against adding 1,900 teens to the voter roll by Election Day my response
My blog post is the response to voting age. I think that if a teenager had not been able to vote in a election and there was another ballot cast because they couldn't decide who won and you allowing a vote then those that are old enough to vote should get the chance to vote.
It isn't a good decision to go against a chance to vote.
Give the ballot box a chance to be used by those new voters.
We shouldn't toy with voting rights. It is so scared.
We don't want to offend 1900 teens from voting.
It is their right to vote, the administrative process shouldn't hinder the constitution.
We don't want our citizens to feel like they are losing rights for no valid reason, like an arrest warrant.
We don't need to string this out and disenfrancise or start excuses for riots.
So allow them to vote. I would like this fixed please. Don't be stupid with this or allow the press to be stupid with this.
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Overcoming spirits of distraction
We can get distracted. Look at distraction as a spirit. We should make boundaries about spontantity if it effects our homelife,relationships, our spiritual walk or our goals or creativity. When responsibilities keep us from making a good home or keeping a schedule. Then we need to consider what is important to us,important to others and important to God. Starting with God's goals and your growth as a person. The growth and God's goals for your family and friends. Work with grace and his goals in mind. Look at what you have to maintain. Do you compensate emergencies in your responsibilities? Are your goals something your ready for? Do you pace out things in a graceful way? Do you often find yourself distracted? If you find yourself distracted and it isn't God positioning you then you may have a spirit manipulating your time. If your moving well with success and enjoying life. Then don't worry and move on. God wants you happy. Enjoy life and do things with him. Look at the world around you and what you effect. That's where the Lord works. Look where you are happiest and what the Lord is doing. Find his goals by scripture his still small voice and people sharing needs around you. I would consider these things regularly to keep with your goals. God bless you.